Communities and Justice

Steve Kinmond

Deputy Ombudsman, and Community and Disability Services Commissioner

Portrait of Steve Kinmond smiling at the camera wearing a black blazer
Steve Kinmond

Steve has been the Deputy Ombudsman and the Community and Disability Services Commissioner since 2004 and prior to this, was the Assistant Ombudsman (Police) for eight years. Steve has close to 30 years of investigative experience, with extensive involvement in community services during that time. Steve has particular expertise in investigating and reviewing critical service delivery and justice issues affecting Aboriginal communities. In his role as Community and Disability Services Commissioner, he has worked with the Grandmothers Against Removals (GMARS) in the development their Guiding Principles, and brings his vast experience and commitment to Aboriginal communities to the Reference Group.

Disclaimer: The information on this webpage is accurate of 2017 and may not reflect current developments.

Last updated:

07 Aug 2023