Communities and Justice

DCJ is listening and learning from the people and communities who matter the most

Who is helping DCJ make better decisions for children?

DCJ is working closely with lots of people, organisations, peak bodies, and experts to help all of us make better decisions for children.

Each of the six approaches in Better Decisions Project are different. To make sure DCJ hears from a diverse range of people impacted by proposed changes, the Department is using a mix of surveys, focus groups, community forums, consultations and working groups.

DCJ is deeply grateful for the time, expertise, and hope that people and organisations bring to the project. DCJ is open to listening to critique, acknowledging the mistakes it has made, and working together to do better.

DCJ is consulting with:

  • Aboriginal young people with care experience  
  • Aboriginal parents with experience of the child protection system  
  • AbSec 
  • Aboriginal community-controlled organisations providing services to families  
  • Funded Services Providers who provide targeted responses in early intervention, family preservation and restoration 
  • Grandmothers Against Removal (GMARS NSW) 
  • NSW Government partners  
  • Non-Government Organisations providing out of home care services 
  • Public Service Association 
  • Office of the Children’s Guardian  
  • Stolen Generations Survivors and Descendants 
  • YOU CC youth consultant representatives with experience of being in care 
  • Experts across DCJ covering cultural aspects, legal, policy and research.

Given the vast over-representation of Aboriginal children and families in the NSW child protection system, it is vital Aboriginal people's perspectives, experiences, and views lead the discussions in all aspects of this project. 

This includes working closely with AbSec, eight Aboriginal stakeholder organisations and more than 20 Aboriginal consultants, representing Aboriginal children, families, and communities from across NSW.

Last updated:

28 Aug 2023