Communities and Justice

External support services

Sexual education

Better Health – contains useful information on age-appropriate sexual education.  

LBGTIQ+ supports

Twenty10 - provides a broad range of mental health and psychosocial support programs to young LGBTIQ+ people.

QLife - provides LGBTIQ+ peer support and referrals for people wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships. 

Pornography and e-safety

It’s Time We Talked - addresses the impact of pornography on kids.

E-Safety Commissioner – contains a range of resources for adults and kids about online safety; digital reputation; image based abuse; cyber bullying; and legal issues.

PHSB therapeutic services

New Street Servicesthis service provides therapeutic support for kids aged 10 to 17 years who display PHSB (including support for their carers).

Safe Wayz - this program supports children under 10 years who have displayed PHSB (including support for their carers).

Last updated:

17 Jan 2024