Communities and Justice

Why is Youth Justice a great place to work?

Ead, Antony and Alana tell us what they love about working in Youth Justice at the Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ).


(Group of Youth Officers interacting with each other and walking through a Youth Justice Centre)

Ead, Youth Justice Officer: I join Youth Justice to have an opportunity to work with young men.

(Ead talking to a young person within a Youth Justice centre)

Ead: As a proud Lebanese Muslim man I want to be a mentor for our youth and if I can be a positive role model in their life and make a difference and that's fulfilling for me.

Antony, Youth Justice Officer: I joined Youth Justice 10 years ago.

(Group of young people sitting in a group session.)

Antony: What I like most about working in Youth Justice is being able to have young people come in, seeing the change in them, watching them grow into young men.

(A young person applying for a TAFE course on a laptop.)

Alana, Youth Justice Officer: I wanted to become a Youth Officer because I wanted to help young people see that there is light at the end of the tunnel.

(Alana running an art class with young people.)

Alana: We make mistakes, but mistakes can be turned around and we can learn from them.

Rab, Aboriginal Youth Justice Caseworker: I love working at Youth Justice, I've worked across many different fields in the community sector.

(Rab interacting with another Aboriginal Youth Justice Officer.)

Rab: I have access to these young Aboriginal guys that need Aboriginal mentors specifically male mentors as well.

(Rab sitting in a yarning circle with a group of young Aboriginal people.)

Rab: Working in the centres and Youth Justice gives us the opportunity to do that.

(A group of young Aboriginal people participating in a traditional Aboriginal dance.)

Antony: Here at Youth Justice, I like letting the young people know that we'll never give up on them.

Ead: I've got the best job in the world.

(Ead interacting with another Youth Justice Officer.)

Last updated:

27 Jul 2023