Communities and Justice

NDIS linkage for better client outcomes

Business area: Western Sydney, Nepean, Blue Mountains District

Division: Housing, Disability and District Services

Project summary

Focus Area:

  • Improving access to mainstream services through better systems and processes.

Project objective

Develop relationships and links with the Local Area Coordinator at Uniting through provision two (2) Training/Information sessions which delivered at each Housing Office.  These will focus on NDIS Access and Eligibility processes, and are envisioned to  improve outcomes and  interactions of housing staff with tenants and DCJ clients.  The sessions will be delivered by the Local Area Coordinator (LAC) from Uniting who are the lead organisation in the provision of the NDIS in the WSNBM District.

The challenge

Improved NDIS Access and Eligibility processes to positively affect outcomes and interactions of housing staff with tenants and DCJ clients.

What will success look like?

Better client outcomes. Monthly Hot Desk at each office to further build relationship with LAC, and increase staff knowledge base around NDIS processes.

Status report

Current Status: Proposed

Date: June 2023

Status Notes:

Status Explanatory Note:

Last updated:

05 Sep 2023