Communities and Justice

What happens if a worker wants you to get a blood test?

A group of people. A person at the front is holding a card that reads "We".

If a worker wants you to get a blood test, their manager will contact you.

We call them the ‘senior officer’.

Easy Read logo

The senior officer will ask if you want to get a blood test.

"Bold" text and "Not bold" text.

You can choose if you want to get a blood test.

But you don’t have to.

A "Word list" document.

If you choose to get a blood test, you need to sign a consent form.

A long document with an arrow pointing to a short Easy Read document.

The senior officer will also ask if you want to tell them what happened.

For example, you might write a letter to explain.

A website icon.

You must make sure the information you share is true.

A person explaining a document to someone else.

You can talk to someone before you decide if

you want to:

  • get a blood test
  • tell the senior officer what happened.
A person explaining a document to someone else.

You might talk to someone who knows the law, like a lawyer.

A person explaining a document to someone else.

If you want to talk to a lawyer, you should contact them quickly.

The senior officer usually decides if they will give you an MTO within 3 days.

A person explaining a document to someone else.

If you choose not to get a blood test,

the senior officer will:

  • think about the information you shared
  • decide if they will give you an MTO.
A person explaining a document to someone else.

The senior officer will tell you when they decide what to do.

And they will send you a letter or an email.

Support for you

A person explaining a document to someone else.

You can get free legal help from LawAccess NSW.

They can share advice with you about working through an MTO.

A person explaining a document to someone else.

You can call them.

1300 888 529

A person explaining a document to someone else.

You can visit their website.

Last updated:

09 May 2024