Communities and Justice

Domestic and Family Violence Innovation Fund

The NSW Domestic and Family Violence Blueprint for Reform 2016-2021: Safer Lives for Women, Men and Children (PDF, 674.5 KB) identifies the need for an increased focus on prevention and early intervention strategies to achieve a substantial and continued reduction in the rate of domestic and family violence, as well as the need for victims of domestic and family violence to receive flexible, timely and person-centred support.

To achieve this, in 2016 the NSW Government announced a $20 million Domestic and Family Violence Innovation Fund.

Round 1 of the Innovation Fund was finalised in June 2017. Find out information on the successful projects from Round 1.

Round 2 of the Innovation Fund provides almost $12 million in funding for 13 projects in the following areas:

  • Prevention
  • Early intervention
  • Crisis responses to domestic and family violence.

View the successful projects from Round 2 of the Innovation Fund.

For further information, please contact

Last updated:

17 Oct 2022