Communities and Justice

PSP Information & tools for working with children and young people

All about permanency – information for children fact sheet

Use the All about permanency – information for children (PDF, 195.4 KB) fact sheet in your practice. This fact sheet includes information for children about permanency and safety, what permanency means, and how DCJ is helping children have a permanent home.

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All about permanency – information for young people fact sheet

Use the All about permanency – information for young people (PDF, 137.3 KB) fact sheet in your practice. This fact sheet includes information for young people about permanency and safety, what permanency means, and how DCJ and PSP  providers are helping young people have a permanent home.

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Permanency Pathways – Family preservation fact sheet

View the Permanency Pathways – Family preservation (PDF, 82.4 KB) fact sheet. This fact sheet contains information about family preservation as a way to a permanent home, keeping a child with their parents, family or kin when it safe.

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Permanency Pathways – Restoration fact sheet

View the Permanency Pathways – Restoration (PDF, 191.6 KB) fact sheet. This fact sheet contains information about restoration as a way to permanent home, returning a child to live with their family when it safe to do so.

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Permanency Pathways – Guardianship fact sheet

View the Permanency Pathways – Guardianship (PDF, 233.5 KB) fact sheet. This fact sheet contains information about guardianship as a way to a permanent home, when a person or people other than the parent has the legal responsibility of caring for a child until they reach adulthood.

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Permanency Pathways – Open Adoption fact sheet

View the Permanency Pathways – Open Adoption (PDF, 232.4 KB) fact sheet. This fact sheet contains information about open adoption as a way to a permanent home, when a child becomes a legal member of another family for life.

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Permanency Pathways – Long-term care fact sheet

View the Permanency Pathways – Long-term care (PDF, 209.1 KB) fact sheet. This fact sheet contains information about long-term care as a way to a permanent home, when a child lives in a long-term OOHC arrangement (for example with a foster carer or relative).

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Quality Assurance Framework (QAF) Child and Young Person Questionnaires  

As part of the QAF we have designed the Child and Young Person Questionnaire, a set of questions for children and young people in OOHC to tell us, every 6 months, how they are going in the areas of safety and permanency and cultural and spiritual identity. This information is used by caseworkers to assess current needs and emerging issues and map progress over time.

Questions are automatically organised so they are age, culturally and situationally appropriate. The QAF questionnaires for children and young people comprise of three sections:

  1. Safety and Permanency for 7-17 year olds
  2. Multicultural for 12-17 year olds who identity as Multicultural
  3. Aboriginal Cultural Connections for 9 to 17 year olds who identify as Aboriginal.

Online questionnaires are accessible at viewpoint.

Paper versions of the questionnaires are also accessible:

For more QAF resources, see Children and Young Person Questionnaire  (CYPQ).

Last updated:

01 Mar 2023