Communities and Justice

Training and employment

Most young people want to be independent and feel the urge to get a job and make money of their own by the time they reach the teen years.

Working part-time is an excellent way for teenagers to develop a wide range of important skills - such as learning to manage money, working with others, responsibility and independence amongst other things. It is also a great opportunity for meeting people and make new friends and may even spark thinking about future career paths.

Encourage them to think about part time/casual work. To start with, it may be something as simple as babysitting, dog walking or working at a local café or shop. Or talk to them about training opportunities, such as:

  • attending a TAFE courses (including those that are now part of the HSC) or apply to attend TAFE or college for study or apprenticeship pathways
  • a barista course or other professional training courses.

Getting started

Young people might need help with preparing their first resume, practice interview questions, and open a bank account with a card so they can manage their own money.

Carers and caseworkers should discuss turning up on time, how to tell your boss you’re going to be late or sick, the value of working hard, your rights in the work place and other important practical tips.

Here are more useful resources about training and employment opportunities for young people.

Planning a career

Getting a job or apprenticeship

Last updated:

23 Feb 2023