Communities and Justice

Information for parents and carers

Navigating career and caring responsibilities is complicated, even in the best of times.

The DCJ Parents and Carers Platform (DCJ internal link) provides access to a range of informative, engaging and empowering programs to support working parents and carers throughout their career journey.

DCJ staff working from home during COVID may require childcare arrangements to manage their work and/or personal responsibilities. DCJ has developed a letter that staff can carry with them and produce as evidence, if required to confirm they need to travel away from their home to access childcare.

Authorised workers may also request this letter as evidence of childcare arrangements.

To access the letter, log in to Service Now for FACS (DCJ internal link) and Justice (DCJ internal link).

Other recommended resources:

NOTE: You will need to have a Linkedin Learning account to access the below course on demand. Register for an account (DCJ internal link).

Last updated:

29 Jul 2022