Communities and Justice

Monitoring and reviewing the NDIS plan

This page provides information about how NDIS plans are monitored and reviewed. Refer to the Overview for important contextual information about these guidelines and the NDIS. These guidelines are dynamic and will be regularly updated to reflect any changes to procedures or the NDIS model.

Important information in this guideline includes:

  • When and how to request a reassessment or review of a plan for children or young people in statutory OOHC and child protection, and how to prepare for a plan reassessment.

The NDIA reassessment process

An NDIS plan is based on the goals and objectives that have been identified for (and by) the child, and the supports needed to assist the child’s progress towards them. A reassessment of a child’s plan can be triggered in three different ways:

  • as a normal part of the planning cycle
  • when a participant (or their representative) requests a reassessment
  • when the NDIA initiates a reassessment.

Internal Reviews: If you think an NDIA decision is wrong, you can request an internal review of a decision. Any person directly affected by an NDIA decision can request an internal review, however this must occur within three months of the plan approval date. If the child or young person is not in OOHC, you may need to work with the child or young person’s family to make the request. Refer to Internal Review of a Decision for more information.

The planning cycle

Each plan has an agreed reassessment date which means that participants will have their plan reviewed on a regular basis. This allows participants and their NDIS representative to discuss what is and isn’t working, to amend goals and objectives and adjust supports as life changes over time. During the life of the plan, an NDIS representative may ‘check in’ with participants (or their representative) to determine if the plan is still meeting their needs.

Plans are typically active for 12 to 24 months but can be as short as three months or as long as 36 months. The length of the plan is largely determined by individual circumstances and the stability of support needs. The NDIS representative will advise participants on the length of the proposed planning cycle at the planning meeting. At this point consider the appropriateness of the plan length that is being proposed. Shorter plan lengths would be expected for children and young people aged 15 and over who will be preparing for, and then leaving care, as well as those who have less stable disability support needs.

When can a participant or their representative request a reassessment?

Participants (or their representative) can request a reassessment of their NDIS plan if they are seeking a change in their reasonable and necessary supports. For children or young people under the parental responsibility of the Minister, OOHC caseworkers may ask for a plan reassessment.

Requests for a reassessment of a plan will generally not be approved within six months of the plan being approved (or within three months where the plan is for a shorter period), unless it can be demonstrated that the participant’s situation has changed, or there is new information which is likely to affect the NDIA’s assessment of the participant’s need for funded supports. 

The NDIA will notify participants about their decision to reassess a plan within 14 days of receiving a request for a reassessment, or a change of situation form, from a participant.

Note: OOHC caseworkers should liaise with the support coordinator who will assist in managing and preparing for the reassessment of a child’s NDIS plan.

The NDIA conducts a reassessment

An NDIA representative can request a reassessment of a plan at any time.

The NDIA can decide to reassess a plan for several reasons:

  • there has been a change in situation which might mean a participant needs different supports.
  • There has been feedback from internal monitoring activities – for example, funds have not been spent that were allocated for certain supports.
  • There has been a change in participant supports, and what’s reasonable and necessary.

How can I request a reassessment for a child or young person in OOHC or child protection?

The onus is on the participant (or their representative) to notify the NDIA if an event or change in situation happens or is likely to happen that affects their plan. For children and young people under the parental responsibility of the Minister, OOHC caseworkers are responsible for notifying the NDIA via a change of situation form.

Examples of changed situations that may require requesting a plan reassessment include: a change of placement type, such as moving from foster care to residential care; moving placement to a new geographical location, or entry to OOHC.

For children or young people with an NDIS plan who have entered care, OOHC caseworkers should ensure that their name replaces that of the parents’ as child representative and that parents’ electronic access to the NDIS portal has been removed. If there is a change of caseworker responsible for a child or young person, casework staff should ensure that the NDIA is notified of the new caseworker’s details.  Note: you must also submit a copy of the Care Orders to the NDIA at

For more detailed information about what constitutes a change of situation, see Change of circumstances.

What do I need to do to prepare for a plan reassessment?

Preparation for plan reassessment will be like preparing for the planning meeting. The child’s NDIS support coordinator will assist with this process.

Refer to NDIS Plan Preparation and Plan Process for further information. If child protection or OOHC caseworkers form a professional view about additional supports that would benefit the child or young person, they can provide this advice, and any specific evidence of need, to the NDIS representative directly or to the parent/carer to share during the plan reassessment meeting.  

NDIS planning cycle, leaving care and requesting a review
Last updated:

20 Dec 2022